Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday Mornings With Caleb & Charlotte (#2)

 Our morning started with Caleb and Charlotte spending time with us while Megan did her volunteer stint. Since it was raining (yes, again!) it also meant Joe was indoors for the day.

I helped the grandkids with their morning math and spelling, they played a little basketball between rain showers, Grandpa Joe played Chinese checkers with them, they sat at the kitchen island and ate lunch while I made potato salad, they played a game called Night at the Museum, and then they spent quiet time drawing at the dining room table until it was time to go home. Right as it was time to go, they decided that the entry way and living room floor were lava beds and they had to get to the garage without falling in the lava.

I got them home to Megan without burns from the lava…

I spent the day reading and napping. No plans to go out for fireworks this evening. With the weather any celebrations may have been cancelled. Our neighborhood was quiet. After two days of chainsaws, chippers, and stump grinders it seems exceptionally quiet.

Last night and this evening I watched a series on Hulu, “The Bear.” I am enjoying it. Eventually I will return to watching Grey’s Anatomy. Taking a break from the medical world and relishing the restaurant business is a gift I am giving myself.

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