Saturday, August 17, 2024

My Brain Brained and Now...

There are days I am too tired to write and almost decide that I will find a meme and post that I am taking the day off. A part of me though refuses to ‘take the easy way out’ and I proceed to write.

My brain hurts tonight. Literally. I attended fourteen (14) different half-hour sessions at a virtual conference held by Medium. It was an amazing experience! I am grateful for the opportunity to gain insights and be in the space of writers and topic experts. I may share more from those sessions in the future.

My takeaway from today was that sitting at a computer for over seven hours with only three-bathroom breaks was too close to my pre-retirement life. The sessions I wanted to attend were only being held once throughout the day so if I wanted to  see it, I needed to be there at the designated time. About two-thirds of the way through the day, I realized they were taping the sessions which means that I can go back and watch them later. There were at least six or more programs to choose from in each time slot so it is possible I may go back and watch a handful that sound interesting.

Today was also the first time since retirement when I had to focus on listening for hours at a time. I have page after page of notes from the fourteen sessions. By the end of the day, I found that I had mentally compartmentalized the information into three categories: (1) Information to improve my writing; (2) Information that reinforced the things I am doing right; and (3) Wors of wisdom that were emotionally freeing.

Debra Harman talked about authenticity and vulnerability when writing a memoir (part of what I write on Weathered is memoir). Her statement, “You own everything that has happened to you. You get to write your story from your perspective”  was a gift to my soul. I’ve strived for authenticity in my writing and have doubted at times if my perspective was ‘fair.’  Now I know I don’t need to worry about the reader – only in speaking the truth of my experience.

Now it is time to rest my brain. 

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