Sunday, August 18, 2024

Senior Driver Course Renewal (Or Even AARP is Neurotic About Deer)

 Joe and I started doing AARP senior driver training about 9 years ago as the automobile insurance companies give us discounts on insurance. The certificates are good for three years.

We were due up this month to renew with a 4-hour refresher course. I am going to call them tomorrow as it took over 8 hours to complete the course. The program title is 4-hour refresher. They lied. The end result is that I spent another full day at my computer.

The course information is great, and I recommend the AARP program for everyone. I like having the refresher because it reminds me of what to look out for as both Joe and I age. Right now, we are doing fine with our driving. I especially like the section with advice on talking with a loved one about limiting or stopping driving when they can no longer drive safely.

I laughed at times during the course as images of deer popped up. I counted eight different photos of deer throughout the day. I even snapped photos of the ‘deer’ screenshots and then decided you all know what a deer looks like. At times, an interactive map pops up with advice to click on the state you live in to get additional information. I did take five minutes to click on Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan for information on reporting requirements to state agencies when a deer is hit. In Ohio you only report if you want the meat. In Minnesota and Indiana there are no reporting requirements. Michigan wants people to report all incidents of deer accidents. Now you know.


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