Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Day Flew By

Today got away from me. It might be because I stayed in bed reading until 9:30 am. If I didn’t have a bladder, I might still be lounging.

Once I was up it made sense to get up and accomplish a task or two. Like changing the bed sheets and making burritos for lunches this week. Over the past three weeks I have been craving Taco Bell Burrito Supremes (beef) and at $5.10 a pop it seemed more economical to make them at home. I was right, at home they cost less than $2.00/burrito, they are bigger, and they taste just as good.

Next up was researching South Korean restaurants in the Minneapolis area for our September family international dinner. I read menus and read reviews until it was time at 1:00pm to chat online with my cousin, Eleanor, in California. We talked for an hour and forty-five minutes.

Just as I finished chatting with Eleanor, Joe came in to let me know he was going to Menard’s in Buffalo for stone for the retaining wall he is building for the raised garden bed terrace. I decided to go with him, and I drove. On the way back we made a detour to an event venue we were invited to in October.

It is now 5:45 pm and time to prepare our dinner salads to go along with leftover Hamburger soup I made on Monday. The last time “time flew” this fast was when Megan was an infant. Early motherhood and retirement have at least three things in common.

First, no matter how much I planned, motherhood and retirement turn out to be a seat of the pants adventure. I thought I was prepared in both instances. Ha!! Second, you can stay busy for the entire day and at the end of the day you have no clue what happened to your time. Third, they both require a bit of faith that what you are doing each day is beneficial for the long-term.

Truth? I like it this way. I like that my days are unfettered by minute-to-minute timelines. I enjoy waking up on a Wednesday morning and deciding to stay in bed to read. When Megan was an infant, I loved the days when it was just the two of us and I would strap her into a hands-free baby wrap carrier, and we would sit in a glider chair for hours while I interacted with her or she would sleep quietly with her little face nuzzled into my neck.

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