Sunday, October 6, 2024

Joyful Sunday


Patio in our backyard (Photo by Joe)

Joe and I went to Rockford today to pick up a free patio table and chairs. We rented a truck in Buffalo at Menards ($54.00 with taxes and fuel for 90 minutes). I spent a couple of hours washing the set down. I am happy with the set-up. I close my eyes and imagine how this will look next year when all of the vegetables are growing. 

Joe drove the truck, and I followed in the car because I could not climb into the truck. Note to Self: Next time you have to rent a truck take the kitchen stepstool along. Oh, the joys of being a chunky short-legged person. 

The upside to this was that I asked Siri to play John Denver music, and I sang-along for the ten-minute drive to the pick-up location in Rockford. I did the same from Rockford to Saint Michael and then back to Buffalo to return the truck. The music and the changing colors of the landscape felt like I was in another land. It was a glorious Sunday morning. Extraordinarily little traffic, clear skies, a multitude of colors, and John Denver's music. It was joyful to be in the moment.

This afternoon, from the sunroom windows, I saw four neighborhood boys, ranging in age from eight to ten years old, running through our backyard and up the hill past other neighborhood homes. A bit later they came back through, and they stopped and were looking at the planter boxes. Or maybe they were wondering if we had chickens because of the cat house. I know they were there for about a minute or two checking out the area. I was happy the boys felt comfortable enough to enter the yard. 

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