Thursday, July 20, 2023

Hummingbird Cupcakes - Grandparenting

We mixed and baked Hummingbird cupcakes with Charlotte and Caleb this afternoon. Part of the process when we cook is the ‘littles’ gather all the supplies and ingredients before we start. The gathering involves a stepstool to get to two or three of the shelves. They take turns collecting items so that each one has an opportunity to engage in the process.

Raddish Kids has a list with photos of the items we need to prepare the recipes. While there is no right or wrong way to go about it, I find that both kids love to pick a picture and then find the item. Me, I am a let us do this in order as listed, “So I don’t have to remember what I did or did not already get out.” The first time we cooked together, I suggested they get the items in order. Ha! That lasted about two items in and then they picked randomly again.

I decided it did not matter in the whole scheme of things and so this time I just kept my thoughts to myself. I know, a bit difficult to believe. This is my year of transformation and I believe I must practice new behaviors if I want to be successful.

Back to the Hummingbird cupcakes. The cupcakes are a Jamaica dessert with pineapple and banana bites in the batter. The frosting is cream cheese. We baked twelve cupcakes and all of us except Joe had two each after dinner. The 12th cupcake will go home with Caleb and Charlotte on Sunday morning for their mom.

Hummingbird cupcakes prepared and frosted by Charlotte and Caleb.

Another name for Hummingbird cake is doctor bird cake. It is named after Jamaica’s national bird, the scissors-tail hummingbird.

As you can see from the photos the cupcakes and the hummingbirds are each lovely in their own way.

In case you are marveling at how well I am doing since the move to Minnesota... Today, I sent birthday money to Joe's son, Nate. The fact that it is July 20th, and his birthday was on June 20th, is a big indicator that my sense of time is a bit catty wampus. Nate graciously sent the money back to me. We did remember his birthday on June 20th. 

Stressed much?? 

We will leave at 5:00am tomorrow morning for Ohio. Swinging by Medford, Minnesota to pick up my cousin and hope to be in Archbold, Ohio by 7 pm tomorrow evening at the latest. It is a long day in the car. I can use my non-driving time to come up with a plan for how to keep track of what month it is...

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