Monday, August 14, 2023

Our Car is Officially Minnesotan

Our Minnesota plates arrived today!

I had a 10:00 am virtual group meeting with Teachers on Call. The invitation called it an interview; however, it was an informational meeting with twenty-two other prospects for education-based roles. Paraprofessionals (teacher’s aide), janitorial, short-call substitutes (my category), school clerical support, and regular teachers were all represented.

I can substitute as a paraprofessional or in clerical until my teaching license arrives. Teachers On Call say the licensing process takes 4 to 6 weeks. For now, I prefer to wait until my license comes in and not sub in other positions. Once I complete the hire process, I must work one day every 150 days to be considered active.

Megan, Rufio and I did our walk this morning before my 10:00 virtual meeting. Rufio does not like storm drains and insists on walking in the middle of the road. Megan said that Rufio did not have an issue with the storm drains in California. He hears or smells something that frightens him. She said Pan wants to investigate the drains during walks. Rufio’s response is certainly entertaining. Maybe I should say Megan’s response to Rufio is entertaining. When he is skittish, she will tell him, “Pennywise is not interested in you.” Not sure he finds it reassuring. The one-sided conversation between Megan and Rufio strikes me as funny. Or perhaps it’s a lack of oxygen to my brain (during exercise) that causes me to be easily amused.

The only other amusement standard I have are the daily memes and videos through Facebook Messenger from Ginger and Kim. They do an excellent job of entertaining me. Ginger posted this today. Anyone of the three of us could have posted it.

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