Friday, October 6, 2023

Checking In and Football

We decided not to tour the house with 4+ acres of land and propane heating. After sleeping on the idea, we decided it wouldn’t be in our best interests in the long term.

I went to the chiropractor today and learned that my hip flexor issue is severe. I am armed with a couple of exercises I am doing every thirty minutes to help it heal. The worst news was that it’s possible I may not be able to walk during the healing process – it could get worse before it gets better. One day at a time. After today’s treatment I am a bit tender, the shooting pains have receded for which I am grateful.

Caleb started practicing tackle football two days a week. It is a try-out to see if he wants to play next year when he is in fifth grade. He has attended three practices now and likes learning techniques and plays. Jeremy says he is picking up on the plays quickly. Jeremy took photos for us at last night’s practice. Caleb is wearing a long sleeve red t-shirt under his uniform.

Last night when he was suiting up for practice, we all got to check out his gear. It is comforting to see how much padding these kids are wearing. The mouth guard attached to the helmet is impressive.

Football was one sport Megan never played. No girl's leagues in our communities. She played baseball and soccer on girls’ teams until she was in 4th grade when she played baseball on a team of boys and girls (she was one of two girls). In 5th grade she played soccer on a boys’ team. The only girl in our community to do so at the time. Then we moved to Egypt for her 6th grade year where she played baseball (only girl on the team) and soccer (girls’ team) at her school. When we returned to Woodland for her 7th grade year she asked to try out for the boys junior high team and was told no. Thus ending her ball career - she had no desire to play softball.

Megan, Jeremy, Caleb, and Charlotte are huge Minnesota Gopher fans. Last night at dinner, Charlotte asked if she could have a birthday cake this year instead of cupcakes. She would like the frosting and cake to be the Gopher’s colors. Her birthday is in mid-January so we will see if that happens.

Most of today, I have been reading either my current book (Arcadia by Lauren Groff) or online news, with occasional check-ins on Facebook to see what other people do during the day when they are not at work.

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