Thursday, August 31, 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Minnesota State Fair
Joe and I went to the Minnesota State Fair today. The Fair is in St. Paul, about a 51-minute drive (39 miles) from Rockford. Joe had wanted to check out the Agriculture Building, The Eco (Ecology) Building, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Building. The original plan was for me to drop Joe at the gate and then go to a Starbucks or public library for a few hours.
Instead, parking ($20) was readily available near the
entrance (670 steps, YES, I counted them) so I went in with him. I am not up to
walking as much as the Fair requires, so we rented a wheelchair ($25.00/day) so
I could push it and try to walk as much as possible and I could ride in it when
I got tired. Joe walked 10,000 steps in the 4 hours we were at the Fair. I
walked 3,000 steps and sat in the shade while he wandered into some buildings. He
pushed me in the wheelchair for a good part of the time, too.
Admission to the Fair is $16.00/person for Seniors ($18.00
for adults). The only other money we spent was for my caramel apple ($6.00
with nuts).
We did not buy other food at the fair as it was overwhelming
for me and not healthy food for Joe (or for me...). We decided we would eat after we left the
Fair. There are too many choices of food at the Fair and I cannot decide what I
want. Is it Luigi Fries (see photo)? Cheese curds in multiple flavor choices? Hotdogs,
deep fried hotdogs on a stick, Vegan hotdogs? Hamburgers? Fried Pickles? Fried
Candy Bar? Pizza? You name a food they probably had it available.
The only other State Fair I have attended was the California State Fair in Sacramento over thirty years ago. I remember it being mostly concrete and few places to sit. In contrast the Minnesota State Fair walkways are streets lined with trees and metal benches. The weather was perfect today! A slight breeze and in the low seventies. I did not notice the humidity because I think I’ve acclimated to it.
We got into the Fair about 9:15am and left at 1:30pm. When
we arrived the line for the Eco Building already stretched three blocks, Joe is
not one to wait in long lines, so we opted to visit the Arts Building, the
Education Building, and the Creative Buildings instead. The Art Building housed
art that had been judged and was available for sale. There were pieces for sale
for as high as $24,000. Having been supporters of Yolo County Arts for about 14
years, we have acquired and learned to appreciate art in all mediums. Today, I limited
myself to taking photos of only two pieces because the building was crowded,
and it was difficult to get a good shot as a result.
The first photo is of a textile submission. A quilt! When we
were in Alabama earlier this year, I fell in love with the beauty of quilts.
The second photo is right up Joe’s alley. A dog sculpted from small metal hand
tools, nuts, bolts, and other metal objects. The third is a close-up of the dog
so the materials can be seen more readily.
The Education Building housed representatives from all levels of education in Minnesota, non-profit organizations including religious (Christian and Muslim), interest groups such as the geological society, education vendors like Teachers on Call, art, and science (robotics and rockets galore!) displays, and government organizations including the department of transportation. I enjoyed this building and had my photo taken at the Minnesota Mint Booth.
The next building was the Creative Building. Joe was interested in attending a talk on fermentation in this building. I sat outside, “people watching” as he went off to find the talk. He came back about 15 minutes later and said he didn’t find the talk BUT he thought I would love it as it was all the fair entries of foods, quilts, dolls, clothing, and wooden objects just to name a few. If it can be made by hand, it was in this building. Again, the building was crowded! I did manage to get some photos of quilts and hand carved birds. As soon as we saw the birds, Joe said, “Ted’s work should be here!” Ted is our new friend in North Carolina; I featured his work in a blog post on May 2, Blowing Rock, North Carolina (Road Trip Day 35).
Leaving the Creative building our goal was the Agriculture Building. We got sidetracked for about 40 minutes when we came to the Red Cross Trailer and their pitch for blood donors. Joe decided to donate. He has been wanting to since he is now drug-free after his cancer surgery 17-months ago. He met all the physical requirements to donate right then and there. I sat and people watched some more while Joe went into the Agriculture building to check it out before his blood draw. Across the road from me was the Minnesota Twins tent. You know you are at the Minnesota State Fair when there is a booth for the Twins! Later we walked past a Vikings Building.
Once Joe donated his
blood, ate a couple of granola bars, and drank some water, we headed into the
Agriculture building together. We learned good stuff! We learned that corn is
the number one crop. We learned that most of the lawn seed/grass for the United
States is grown in Northern Minnesota. We learned that sugar beets are also on
the list of top crops in Minnesota. This stood out to us as for many years,
Yolo County grew a lot of sugar beets. They are no longer considered a viable
crop in California due to low sugar prices. Still, beets were grown longer in
California than anywhere else in the world. Guess now that they have stopped, somewhere
else can overtake the record!
I snapped two photos here of items that seemed unique to me.
In the fresh flowers area, there were bowls of fresh cut flower displays in
cast iron sculptures that I found appealing. The second was a metal, seaweed,
and wooden mobile hanging from the center of the building over a display of
mermaids. Fun!
The last stop for us was the DNR Building (Department of Natural Resources). Joe went in and checked it out while I sat on a park bench in front of a cotton candy seller and watched children wolfing down the candy. Parents were taking pictures of their children. It was lovely to think that at sixty-seven years old, I have a shared tradition with today’s children of eating cotton candy at a fair. It was a lovely point in time!
We saw only a small portion of the fair in our 4 1/2 hours . We agreed it was plenty for us this year! Megan, Jeremy, and the kids headed out to the fair while we were heading home this afternoon. I am pretty sure their experience will be very different from ours!
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
One definition of respite is a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant. I typed that as the title, thinking that I would take a break from writing the blog today. However, I do not find writing difficult or unpleasant. Instead, I find that while my life is plenty exciting for Joe and me there is a certain lack of material that other people might find interesting.
Megan. Rufio, and I walked this morning (day 19). It took less time than yesterday which is progress.
Joe watered the lawn and let Pan play in the water. When Joe came into
the house to get a towel, Pan snuck by him into the house. Megan had done
quite a bit of deep cleaning yesterday and was not happy with Pan or Joe
tracking in water/mud. Joe claims there was no mud. I am not sure who was in
hotter water with Megan, Joe or Pan. I think it was Joe as Pan
is pretty much clueless, he’s a dog. Joe cleaned up Pan and took him
for a walk so he could dry off in the sun.
Our Costco trip to Maple Grove was uneventful today. We usually get
there right at 10:00am, when they open, and while it has always been busy, it
has never been as busy as the very first time we went, and I thought I was
going to have a meltdown from the hordes of people. This morning we got there
about 15 minutes after they opened and there were lots of people. Reminded me
of the first time. I did figure out that some people do not look when they exit
an aisle because they have concluded that most people are kind and will not run
into them. I came close, several times, to hitting people with my cart because
they just walked into the aisle with their cart and never even looked both
ways. There is a part of me that would like to not come to a screeching halt to
avoid careening into them. Instead, I'll hurt myself trying not to hurt them.
Really, people? The nicer part of me believes that they are distracted by
something in their life and they are just on autopilot. It may be me someday
and I need to get some Costco Karma Points saved up for that day.
My life is so much simpler than it was when I worked, The biggest challenges I face these days are Costco crowds and hearing about wet dog incidents from the parties involved. I really am in no position to ask for a respite from anything.
Monday, August 28, 2023
No More 'Busy' Days, Only Present Days
It dawned on me today that I no longer feel, or have the need to feel, "busy." Megan and I have talked off and on about what a blessing and a curse it has been to be raised by two parents (Joe and me) that believed in the value of hard work. I know I have discovered over the past few years that I was always so busy because when I was busy I could keep moving forward without worrying if I was effective in my career or if what I was doing was serving me. Now I am discovering that I don't need to be busy. I can acknowledge my value as a human being, spouse, friend, and keep moving forward AND enjoy everyday living. Now, I enjoy living in the moment and not always trying to 'fix' something else or being concerned about other people around me feeling happy or fulfilled by their jobs (oh, the joys of human resources work). That is not to say I don't care about others, I do care. I will always make myself available for friends and family. Now though, it's not about being busy. It's about being present.
I started my day by walking in the cul-de-sac with Megan and Rufio. My time today was my second best since starting eighteen days ago. I was being a slug this morning when Megan sent me a text and I agreed to walk with her in 15 minutes. Which meant I had to get out of bed, dress, and make my bed fast. I can’t bring myself to leave the house, even for a walk, with an unmade bed. The only exception is on the days we wash our sheets. Anyway, my body was a bit stiff because I had not been up long enough to get everything working. I thought the walk might be tough – it wasn’t. So, I am enjoying the increased energy I have throughout the day after the morning walk.
When we got back to the house, Megan and I sat on the front
porch and chatted for about 30 minutes. That was nice to have a visit with her.
She was working up the enthusiasm to do the deep clean chores she had lined up
for her day. Joe came out to let me know that the only way he would be able to
get information on tracking down his Minnesota license was if we drove to the
Buffalo licensing office. I drove down with him, and we made a stop at Cub and
Menards on the way back. The licensing office said they issued the license on
the 21st and he’d be getting it any day. We both applied on the same
day and mine came in within two weeks. I guess I thought they’d get processed
together since we applied together.
I enjoyed a lovely virtual visit with my friend Jen from New Jersey, today. She is one of those people who lift my spirits being in her space. She has a warm vibe that shines through Google Meets. I love her a lot and wish she were my neighbor. If I had a neighborhood of the amazing women in my life it would be the best neighborhood EVER. Full of vulnerable, warm, loving people.
Today, I also did my very own first drive somewhere all by
myself. I drove to Delano and picked up Papa Murphys for dinner. It’s only
about 6 ½ miles away and it’s a lovely backroad drive. It felt strange to be on
the road without someone else in the car (usually Joe, sometimes Megan). I
drove around Woodland all the time and never thought about it at all. Here, going
for a “ride along“ seems like the thing for us to do. It gives us an
opportunity to explore the area. Joe was seeding the lawn and Megan was
immersed in her deep clean, so I did it BY MYSELF!
I watched the entire Season 1 of Shrinking and it is as good
as the reviews say. Looking forward to Season 2. I assume that it may be a
while with the writer’s strike and the actors joining in support. I get why
they need to do this. But darn, I sure do want to see what happens next in
Season 2 of Shrinking. I guess it gives me something to look forward to!
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Savoring Sunday
I have discovered, in retirement, that what makes a Sunday stand out from the other days of the week is that I do not get a USPS email. It feels as if something is missing in my day as a result.
Today, Joe weeded more in the yard (It’s a good size yard)
while I did laundry. Megan, Rufio, and I walked this morning. I had my best
time yet because I did not need to rest between stretches. I usually rest for a
moment by stretching in place. Today I only did three rests instead of 6 or 7
times. Progress!
I found a new show to watch on Apple TV – Shrinking. I
am sort of glad we never had a TV while we were working. Now that I have more
time available in my day I can catch up on popular series. I still go days without
watching anything – I’d rather read a book or write something than sit still to
watch a show.
I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast from August 21, 2023.
It is a two-part series called Slow Down! It is about learning to savor
good things in our lives instead of focusing on the negative. I liked it because
it talks about how even small moments can be savored. We are not taught how to
savor. We are usually taught how to overcome negative. I am looking forward to
the second part coming out tomorrow. Good stuff!
Have a great week!
Saturday, August 26, 2023
This happened today.
For years I have been in search of ‘the pillow’ that works
well for me. I may have found it! It was only one-night, last night; however, I
woke up this morning and my neck and shoulders feel relaxed. I bent over to
pick up my shoes and I had more flexibility than I’ve had in years. It could be
the daily walks, but I’ve not experienced this kind of flexibility from past
walk timeframes. The walks are certainly contributing to better sleep overall.
I walked the cul-de-sac by myself this morning as Megan had
a Girl Scout function and Joe had just come back from a double lap of the development
with Pan. It worked out fine. I can see progress in both time and stride
length. When I think I might want to skip hitting a daily goal, I remind myself
that each step is a step for long term health benefits. I need the pep talks I
give myself!
Yesterday we stopped at the Friday marketplace in Rockford.
We visited it last September while visiting. Only one of the vendors with displays are
offering farmed goods so I hesitate to call it a Farmer’s Market. Since Jeremy
works for a produce company, it is rare we need to buy vegetables. We bought a
loaf of sourdough bread from a new vendor. She lives in Buffalo and plans to sell
it from her home when the marketplace closes for the winter in mid-September. We
bought cheddar jalapeno sourdough and OMG it is amazing. She has both savory and sweet sourdough breads.
I had never run into sweet sourdough. Next Friday I plan to get her apple
cinnamon. I can imagine it as a great French toast treat for all of us. Okay…
and as a treat simply slathered in butter.
Friday, August 25, 2023
Better Skies
Megan, Rufio, Charlotte, and I walked in the cul-de-sac. There were no other people out at 9:15 am which made for less hassle. Today’s walk went better!
I started Season 3 of Ted Lasso. I have developed a habit while
watching Ted Lasso that I have not had in the past. During some scenes I feel
anxious. I find myself stopping the video and googling the outcome. In my mind
I know that just watching the show will give me the answer. I want an answer
now. As soon as I know the answer, I am fine with it and continue watching the
show. It is usually around relationships. Does Sam and Rebecca’s relationship survive?
How about Keeley and Roy? Do Ted and Rebecca get involved in a romantic
relationship? Does Nate EVER repent of his wicked ways?
It's not like I’m vested in a specific outcome. I know I can’t
re-write the script. I am curious if other people do the same thing with Ted
Lasso or with any other show. I recently watched Good Omens and did not Google
for answers. Good Omens is one of my favorite series.
We had a sudden storm this afternoon. Joe was out weeding
when it began. It knocked out the internet service for an hour. Fortunately,
the rain didn’t last long. We headed over to Menard’s in Buffalo to pick up
some lawn seed and fertilizer after the storm. I took two photos from the
parking lot area because I thought the sky looked so darn amazing. I love the
Minnesota sky in our area! Combine the skies with the greenery and I am so in
love with the landscape. I loved California. I find I can love Minnesota as
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Bad Attitude in the Cul-De-Sac
Quiet day of reading and puttering around the house. One advantage to puttering is that I get in steps without thinking about the effort it takes. Whether it’s washing and drying dishes or cooking – it is all movement I was not getting while working in my last job.
Joe and the dogs walked with me this morning since Megan is out of town. It was one of my roughest walks. I told Joe – no more dogs as they mess with my pace. It’s one thing when it’s Rufio, who is old like me, walking with Megan and me. Joe was trying to wrestle both dogs, Pan was so excited because it’s a different route than Grandpa Joe takes him every morning and every evening. I walked Rufio so Joe could concentrate on working with Pan. Two little kids were careening out of their garage on tricycles into the street as we were walking so, I was trying to gauge my steps not to run into or get run over by them. Then the people who lived in the same house came out and got into their car and sat for three or four minutes so I wasn’t sure if they were backing out or just hanging out in their car (don’t worry the little ones were in the car with them at this point). We are walking in a cul-de-sac, so I am not sure if the driver was waiting for me to pass their driveway the first time or when we passed their driveway leaving the cul-de-sac.
I was stressed beyond belief. I am beginning to understand why old people get grumpy. Okay, maybe I am only understanding why this old person is grumpy. It’s not like I think the world revolves around me. I know it doesn’t. It’s just that it sometimes feels like people are not aware of their surroundings and the impact it has on other people. People in grocery stores who block aisles are a particularly sore spot with me. Also, walking so I don’t injure myself is important, so I am trying to set a pace that gets my heart rate up while not hurting myself. When I end up out of my rhythm, I just HATE the walk. I can’t hate the walk because I want to do it every morning.
Before someone recommends a different route. Know that the neighborhood is hilly, and this route is one I can comfortably do at this point. My hope is that by winter I can take the longer walk-up hill. Yes, some parts of the neighborhood are downhill. I could only walk the downhill part and then send for an Uber to take me home…
Okay, I think my crankiness may be worked through for now.
Aren’t you glad I shared? I have so much to be thankful for and am grateful
that you read this far into the blog. Is there anything that makes YOU cranky,
even while you know you may be acting unreasonable about it?
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Ted Lasso Season 2 and Coehlo Life
- Joe and Megan are both encouraging me to walk as much as I can while also encouraging me to rest when I can't take another step. Their support is a huge blessing.
- Friends. I am grateful for the check-ins, memes, and stories that are shared with me by email or by Messenger every day. It helps me to feel connected to the world at large.
- Having the opportunity to see and spend time with Charlotte and Caleb on a regular basis. I enjoy seeing the world through their eyes. I enjoy eating dinner with them.
- Adjusting to our new mattress is going well! It has a layer that helps to keep me cool while sleeping. No waking up in the middle of the night sweating!
- The weighted blanket also helps with cooling.
- I can read a book, or take a nap, or do anything I want to whenever I want to these days. I appreciate the opportunity to be retired these days.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Shopping, Rewards, Weather, & Walking
Today we tried a different route to Costco in Maple Grove. Our usual route takes us on back roads that curve and is supposed to be about 6 minutes quicker than other route choices. Joe has been concerned because there were so many turns and if we did not have WAZE or Google Maps, we would get lost each week. Today we took a more direct route of Minnesota 55 to Old Rockford Road (about 10 miles east of Rockford) and then it was pretty much one or two turns at most. It took six minutes longer but what’s six minutes when we are retired, and the highlight of our day is getting to know the countryside?
The countryside around the area is so beautiful that it’s
not a hardship to take our time exploring. I noticed the other day that some of
the farmhouse lawns are so green that they remind me of golf courses. In California
I would see a green patch and assume it was a golf course and 99% of the time
it was a golf course. Not true here.
The other highlight of the week was signing up for Cub
Rewards – for those who have Raley’s rewards cards – it is similar. Savings and
points for shopping. We also earn $.10 credit per gallon for gasoline purchases
at Holiday stations for every $100.00 we spend and this increases over the month.
If we spend $200 in the month, we get $.20/gallon credit and for every $100
more we spend we earn another ten cents to a maximum of $1.50/gallon credit. We
have until the end of the following month to use the credit. On top of it, they
give us a stamp for every $10.00 we spend in their stores, and we can use for
either reduced price or free merchandise. Okay, it’s not that I necessarily
need ‘stuff’ but why not collect the stamps and give what we earn as gifts? It looks like the promotional items change
quarterly. Right now, the prizes are different types of pans.
When the Cub employee asked me about the stamps, the first
time I used my rewards card, I recalled my mom getting S & H Green stamps. It
made me curious about whether S & H still does stamps and I discovered they
are digitalized now. Anyone holding pre-digitalized books they never cashed in
are out of luck unless they find a collector looking for the stamps or the
booklets. I found it intriguing how times have changed. Except at Cub – the stamps
are still paper!
Megan and I walked early this morning. Good thing at 8:00am
it was 75 degrees, and the humidity was 83%. At 5:00 pm today it was 95 degrees,
and the humidity was still 83%. We got home from shopping around noon, and we
stayed in the house the rest of the day. Perfect reason to read or watch a bit of Diners,
Drive-ins, and Dives. I am watching Season 2 and have discovered quite a few of
the restaurants in either the Sacramento area or Minneapolis area have closed since COVID. Darn.
Today was day 12 of walks. I am happy about that. It feels
good to get outside each morning and move around. I also do additional steps
indoors so that I am building my stamina. The cul-de-sac walk has built in elevation
changes. It’s downhill at the beginning (down the driveway) and uphill at the
end (back up the street and driveway). Some days that small incline feels like
the longest mile (It is 60 steps. I know because I counted them)! The mailbox
is across the street and up a small incline an additional 45 steps from the top
of Megan’s driveway. Somedays Joe beats me to the mailbox, but I have gotten
the mail twice this week and feel like I accomplished something going up that
extra incline.
Baby steps.
Monday, August 21, 2023
Minnesota Monday with Mexican Food
Retirement Mondays feel strange to me. Mondays are the ‘get back into the swing of the week’ day. Tuesday is our usual grocery shopping day when we go to Maple Grove to Costco and usually hit Cub on the way back for other groceries. Wednesday is the day the grandkids arrive every week. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday all blur together. Sunday is a day of rest. Wait! Everyday is full of restful times now that we are retired.
Today Joe pulled weeds, walked Pan three times, and read. I
walked with Megan and Rufio this morning, added a new patch to Charlotte’s
Daisy vest, darned a pillow for Megan, went out to lunch with Megan at a new Mexican
restaurant here in Rockford, read, watched How It’s Made (Paper, Jeans, and Computers),
and napped. I also added Leslie Sansone Happy Walking YouTube video to my day. I
only walk a little bit to it each hour instead of all at once. I know I’ll build
the stamina to walk Leslie’s 15-minute mile eventually. Gotta start somewhere!
I enjoyed going out for lunch with Megan. The restaurant, Tacos
La Chule, is owned by a woman who learned to cook from her mother while she was
growing up in Mexico. Her family came to the United States when she was fifteen
years old, and she learned to cook American food as well. She catered for years
while her six children were attending school. This restaurant which she opened
in April 2023 is the fulfillment of her dream to have her own restaurant. Megan
had been excited when they opened as she has found it difficult to find good Mexican
food in Minnesota.
We finally made it over today and because we could not make up our minds exactly what to eat, we chose a three dip with chips plate. The dips were cheese sauce (very mild spicy), guacamole, and salsa. I went for ground beef nachos; they were very nice with lots of lettuce and sour cream piled on top. Megan chose Nancy’s Tacos. These were street tacos with asada, grilled onions, cabbage, tomatoes, and cilantro. We shared and brought home leftovers for Joe!
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Sunday's Select Bits
Jeff and Kathy (my brother and sister-in-law) celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year. As part of the celebration Renee and Jami (Daughters, my nieces) treated them to a Pat Benatar concert last night. Renee posted a photo of Jeff & Kathy on Facebook and gave permission for me to share it. Happy anniversary, Kathy and Jeff!
This morning my friend Elizabeth texted me this photo:
The accompanying text read, “Barbie fun with Shawna last night. These (dolls) were all a garage sale find in Woodland on my morning walk before flying back to Arizona. Can you find: drunk Barbie, intervention Barbie, Hawaiian Barbie, & Hollywood Barbie?”
Mind you Shawna is an adult who just graduated with her master’s
degree, Elizabeth and Shawna can find fun in almost anything. Mind you, I have
not seen the Barbie movie; however, I understand people either love it or hate
it. I have enjoyed hearing and reading about the different takeaways people
have shared.
This photo made me laugh out loud and appreciate Elizabeth
and Shawna’s twisted sense of humor.
Megan, Jeremy, and the grandkids enjoyed their camping
trip. Megan and Jeremy were glad to be back home, out of the dirt, and back to
their indoor bathrooms. Caleb and Charlotte popped down to our flat this
morning to say goodbye (they were headed to their mom’s house until Wednesday
morning) and they each shared that they enjoyed the camping trip. Playing with
cousins, going out on the pontoon at the lake, and sleeping in a tent were a few of the highlights.
This coming Wednesday, Megan and Jeremy are taking the kids
to Great Wolf Lodge Water Park. They will come home Thursday evening. This is
their last summer family outing before school starts on the Tuesday after Labor
We enjoyed dinner at Applebee’s with Megan and Jeremy this
evening. We went between 3:00pm and 6:00pm when they have their first happy
hour of the day and have select appetizers for ½ price. Applebee’s second happy
hour is 9:0pm until midnight when they close.
I hope you had a Happy Sunday!
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Saturday Hodge Podge and Kid's Camping Photos
Retirement has reduced me to thinking a fun day is going to
the Wright County Compost and Recycling Center to dispose of carboard boxes
from our bed, frame, and weighted blanket delivery this week. Then we did a stop
at the liquor store. Joe went into the store with the following instructions:
Make sure it is a blend or a dry red – the bolder the better – and make sure it
is at least three years old (histamines in younger wines give me a headache). He
was in and out within minutes with Bogle’s Essential Red, 2020. Score!
Next stop was Cub grocery store for the crusty bread to go
with our quiche and salad for dinner. I walked at Cub to add to my steps from
my morning cul-de-sac walk. Joe and Pan walked with me this morning in the
Doing those errands makes me feel productive. I want to get
beyond equating productivity as important. Sometimes reading a book, or sitting
in the sunshine, or visiting with friends is plenty important enough.
A month ago, Megan was gifted a plant from an adult in Girl
Scouts. She gave it to me. At the time the plant had two leaves. Earlier this
week a third leaf appeared. I think that plant represents my retirement, there
is a lot happening under the surface I don’t see and then one day there is a
new part of me that has grown and appears looking like it belonged there all
That may be the Essential Red talking. I realized today that I had not had a glass of wine since we had visited Anne and Becca in Pennsylvania in early June. I have had a few margaritas over the past several months when we dined out. Both Joe and I are light weights when it comes to alcohol, and he mentioned after the glass we had at dinner that he felt a little light-headed. Me too. This reminded us why we don’t drink regularly. We both sure like a beer or glass of wine now and then.
Megan has been sending me photos from their camping
excursion. I am sharing the photos with her kids and Rufio. Rufio is lazing
around and enjoying a lot of pets from kids. He is so easy going and loves the
attention. I believe the land they are camping on is private land owned by one
of Jeremy’s sister’s husband’s family members. They cleared an area for the
families to spend time together. Makes me miss my Ohio family and the fun time
we had at the lake and visiting their homes this summer.
This afternoon, Joe and I drove out to Hanover to look at a
house that has been on the market for 10 days. I know it won’t still be on the
market this next year when we are ready to buy. It would be the perfect house
for us. It has a pole barn so Joe would have a shop. It’s 12-minutes from Megan
and Jeremy. The house is surrounded by woods on 1.9 acres of land with a creek
running through the woods. And it has a year-round enclosed sun porch that
looks out over a wooded area. I would make it into my writing room. At least it
is nice to know that such places exist!
I am feeling a tad bit jealous of my brother Kenny tonight.
I was texting with him, and he shared that he was getting ready to walk over to
a park in Bryan, Ohio to watch Girl Named Tom in concert. How fun!
Here are the photos from the kids camping trip!
Friday, August 18, 2023
Yolo County Fair - I'm Living Vicariously Through Facebook Posts
Ray Cadena
and his group Grooveline opened the fair this past Wednesday. Again, extraordinarily
talented performer (and an all-around nice human being).
The fair is
more than music (though I just checked the rest of the week's performers, and
they have a terrific line up!!). For other people, the highlight is the
Demolition Derby and for others the livestock events and still others all the
fun foods! (Okay, the food was important for me the years I went).
I adore
their logo and theme this year. I am borrowing it for the blog because it makes
me smile.
Megan and
family were on the road a bit after 1:30 pm today and on their way for a
weekend camping trip. We will see them on Sunday sometime before noon. Joe,
Pan, and I have been chilling'.
I finished
sewing the badges down on Charlotte's vest, walked with Megan, did a load of
laundry, cooked dinner, and relaxed the rest of the day with movies.
Joe and I
ate quiche and salad for dinner tonight. We plan to do the same for tomorrow
night's dinner. Joe got to reading up on quiches and they are even better when
served with crusty bread and a glass of wine. Megan and Jeremy do not drink so
we have not had alcohol in our flat. Tomorrow we are heading to a local liquor
store for a bottle of wine. We are also buying (and eating) the crusty bread.
Both will be gone by the time the family gets back from camping.
While the
young ones are away - the older generation will play!
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Cooking with Caleb and Charlotte
It was that time of month. Helping Charlotte and Caleb to
cook their monthly Raddish meal plan. This time around the meal was breakfast
burritos for dinner. Flour tortillas
stuffed with potatoes, scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese, and green onions. Garnished
with salsa and sour cream. I want to say it is fun to cook with the kids.
It’s stressful, fraught with concern over who gets to do
what, and downright scary at times. I held my breath countless times. The kids
are learning how to cook. Joe is learning how to be patient with me. I am
learning that a child can cut small potatoes with a plastic knife and not hurt
themselves and that it doesn’t really matter if the potatoes are cut into even
sized pieces. Crumbled bacon is crumbled bacon, it is not an exact science. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. The lessons
are not just about cooking. They are about learning to work as a team, sharing
the workload, and sharing the satisfaction of having prepared a good tasting
meal. Another advantage of the children doing the cooking is that they are more
receptive to trying new foods. Oh yeah, and ‘bonding’ time with the
This time our recipe was doubled. We needed 16 eggs for the
scrambled eggs (8 servings), Joe taught the children to crack one egg at a time
into a bowl as it is much easier to scoop eggshell out of one egg than multiple
eggs. Then they poured the egg into the larger mixing bowl. Charlotte weighed
out one pound of baby potatoes and cut them in to quarters (sort of quarters.
She understands the concept of halving the potato and then halving again. Just sometimes,
the angle she was looking at it made some interesting sizes). Caleb counted out bacon strips and prepared
them for the oven. Caleb also cooked the scrambled eggs and added the grated
cheddar cheese with grandpa’s help.
The results:
While we were working together, I asked Charlotte if she was
interested in going on a competitive cooking show for children. Her response, “I
don’t want to be a chef. I want to be an artist.” So much for that!
Our new bed in a box came in today and we got the bed put
together. Megan’s guest bed is fine for a month or two; however, Joe and I
prefer a firmer mattress. We are set now. I also ordered a weighted blanket
which arrived today as well. During our travels this past year, I can’t recall
where, there was a guest bed with a weighted blanket, and I loved it.
Megan, Rufio, and I did another cul-de-sac walk. You will continue to hear about it. I am hoping one day soon it gets easier. For now, I am trying to be thankful that I started and completed the walk.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
I'm a Minnesotan, Now! (via California via Ohio)
My Minnesota drivers license arrived today! I like the license for two reasons (1) in Minnesota, grey is not a hair color option. You use your original hair color and (2) the photo on the card makes my hair look like it is more brown than grey. Works for me.
Megan, Rufio, and I did our walk this morning. Megan brought
reward treats for Rufio when we were near the storm drains. No, she does not
have rewards treats for me. She does, however, encourage me to rest and to keep
doing my best each day. She has told me while she is not really into cheerleading,
she is trying to give me positive feedback. I am feeling encouraged.
Megan and family are preparing to go away this weekend to
camp with Jeremy’s family. Joe and I will stay here with Pan and hold down the
home front. The grandkids will get to spend time with their cousins, maybe do a
little fishing, and sleep in a tent. Joe and I pretty did that on our road-trip
(except for the fishing, though my brothers would have gladly taken me fishing)
so we are good to be minding Pan.
I began sewing patches on Charlotte’s Daisy vest. They were
ironed on as she earned them. The edges are coming up so before the vest gets
packed away, Megan asked me to sew the badges down. It is taking time! I listen
to podcasts while sewing. It’s getting done with needle and fishing line .008
diameter 4-pound filament to be exact. Joe contributed by going into Buffalo
and buying the fishing line at Walmart. It took me three hours to sew on ten
badges, I broke a needle, lost a thimble, lost a needle, and in the process
discovered that for the badges to look nice they need to be sewn all the way
around and not just tacked on at the corners. A labor of love for my Charlotte.
I’ll have to ask Megan if she still has her Daisy vest – pretty sure I gave it
to her when she moved to Minnesota.
And I was wondering what I would do when I retired…
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Midwest Mountaineering - Minneapolis
We drove into Minneapolis today to purchase an item that was
only available at Midwest Mountaineering. Our last trip into the city was on a
Sunday morning and the traffic was not as heavy as the traffic today. Lots of
freeway interchanges with backed up traffic making lane changing more difficult
kept us on our toes.
The store sits near the University of Minnesota campus (a
block from the back of the store) and this area of the city is very clean.
While traffic was heavy, most of the drivers on the city streets were courteous
(unlike the freeway driving). I downloaded a photo of the store because it is huge
(almost a city block and multiple stories). I sat in the car while Joe ran in make
a purchase. No time to explore today.
I was intrigued by a store called Midwest Mountaineering sitting in the middle of a city, so I read the About Us on their website. I love their story. Check it out at
We are not city folk. During our drive we talked about how
we prefer the smaller towns like Buffalo, Delano, and Rockford. We like space. We like lighter traffic.
We went to Maple Grove this morning for our weekly trip to Costco. I walked around the store with Joe and came back to Rockford and did my cul-de-sac walk with Megan and Rufio. I am also trying to add at least 100 additional steps each day to the previous days step count. Really trying to get my stamina back. Rufio has finally figured out that the walk route will not change – there will be grates/storm drains. It took Megan a few minutes this morning to get him to budge from the driveway. I hope one morning she doesn’t have the same issue with me…
Monday, August 14, 2023
Our Car is Officially Minnesotan
Our Minnesota plates arrived today!
I had a 10:00 am virtual group meeting with Teachers on Call. The invitation called it an interview; however, it was an informational meeting with twenty-two other prospects for education-based roles. Paraprofessionals (teacher’s aide), janitorial, short-call substitutes (my category), school clerical support, and regular teachers were all represented.
I can substitute as a paraprofessional or in clerical until
my teaching license arrives. Teachers On Call say the licensing process takes 4
to 6 weeks. For now, I prefer to wait until my license comes in and not sub in
other positions. Once I complete the hire process, I must work one day every
150 days to be considered active.
Megan, Rufio and I did our walk this morning before my 10:00
virtual meeting. Rufio does not like storm drains and insists on walking in the
middle of the road. Megan said that Rufio did not have an issue with the storm drains
in California. He hears or smells something that frightens him. She said Pan
wants to investigate the drains during walks. Rufio’s response is certainly
entertaining. Maybe I should say Megan’s response to Rufio is entertaining. When
he is skittish, she will tell him, “Pennywise is not interested in you.” Not
sure he finds it reassuring. The one-sided conversation between Megan and Rufio
strikes me as funny. Or perhaps it’s a lack of oxygen to my brain
(during exercise) that causes me to be easily amused.
The only other amusement standard I have are the daily memes and videos through Facebook Messenger from Ginger and Kim. They do an excellent job of entertaining me. Ginger posted this today. Anyone of the three of us could have posted it.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Photos of the Rest of Our Flat
I rode into Buffalo (Minnesota) with Megan this morning. She wanted to shop at Target for candy for today’s Rockford River Days Parade. Megan and Charlotte were walking in the parade representing Charlotte’s scout troop. When we got back to Rockford, Megan, Rufio, and I went for our morning cul de sac walk. Third morning in a row! Baby steps.
I watched a movie, read, cleaned/straightened up our flat,
and chilled. I tried to get up and move around every hour for four or five minutes
to improve my chances for longevity. I sat too many hours in my last job, and it
sure didn’t help my health in general. The stand up and move routine is one of
the reasons I like to stop every hour to hour and a half during our road trips.
It started raining (light, right now my app reads ‘drizzle’)
this afternoon. The forecast says light rain until tomorrow at 2:00 pm. Joe
still walked Pan this evening in the drizzle. They both enjoy the walks. Joe
has started wearing a dog treat bag on his belt – Pan sure likes this new addition
to their walks. He is listening to Joe’s sit and stay commands like a true champion.
I decided to post photos of the rest of our flat. The first
photo is at the bottom of the stairway and then entrance to our flat. The
refrigerator fits inti a wall cubby area and next to it is an under the stairway
storage area. Megan keeps Christmas decorations and other occasional use items
in this area. She hung the curtain. My printer is sitting on top of our Michael’s
Oak cabinet (Joe worked for a company called Michael’s in Sacramento for a
while in the late 1990’s. When he left the company, they gifted him one of
their products – this cabinet. We love this piece. The other small table has Joe’s
microscope on it. I had a decorative bowl sitting on this table originally; however,
Joe wanted a place to keep the microscope, so Charlotte and Caleb have easy
access to it. The white door is to a large utility room where all our boxes are
stored along with a water softener, the heating/air-conditioning units, and
hook ups for a washer and dryer (we use Megan’s upstairs next to the kitchen).
The next photo is of our little kitchen area. Basically, our
microwave and coffeepot! We don’t need more as we have full access to Megan’s
kitchen at the top of the stairs. The third photo is my Bovey wall! We have
three of Susan’s photos (printed and framed by Blue Wing Gallery in Woodland).
Note the brick is an original Joseph Bellacera piece he did for an Art in
Education fundraiser in 2014.
The final photo is the antique small cabinet against the ‘sun’ wall I shared right after we moved in. I had redone the decorative pieces on it. You can now see the Paul Bellacera Bumble Bee painting. The small bowl is one I painted at a ceramics event while I was still working at Hygieia.
The art in our flat is a small portion of the artwork we own. Seventy-five percent of the work is by Yolo County artists. It will be fun to check out the local art scene and add to our collection. NOT UNTIL WE BUY A HOUSE THOUGH!!!
Saturday, August 12, 2023
I Carry You With Me
Today’s meme touched me deeply. I suspect, because the rabbit is looking heavenward, that it is directed toward someone who has died. For me, it represents the friends I left behind in Woodland when we moved to Minnesota and all of my friends and family in other parts of the country. I am looking to our trip to Oregan and California in September so I can see more folks face-to-face.
I have discovered over time, that we can go months and sometimes
years without talking and as soon as we are together the connection springs to
life. It is as if we were never apart.
Joe and I went down to the Rockford River Days festival and
had a $5.00 breakfast: 2 pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links, and orange
juice. It was quite good. The breakfast was sponsored and served by Our Father’s
Lutheran Church. I got in some walking in! When we got back to the house, Megan
and I did our little cul-de-sac walk again this morning. I am looking forward
to building up my stamina.
Pan was on Joe’s ‘bad dog’ list at lunch time. Joe had made
an apple butter and peanut butter sandwich and left it on the table for a
moment. When he came back – Pan had grabbed the top of his sandwich – the portion
with peanut butter on it and was happily eating it. He left Joe the apple
butter portion. Lesson learned by Joe that Pan, who loves bread and loves
peanut butter, will take advantage when tempted.
I enjoyed a phone visit with my friend Elizabeth (Arizona)
this afternoon. She is in Woodland working this week. I think we talked for at
least an hour! We would have talked longer but Joe and I had agreed to cook
dinner this evening.
All in all, a productive and relaxing day. I have grown to
appreciate the peaceful pace of retirement days! Most of the time I have found
that it really does not matter if I do not know what day of the week it is.
Words Matter
This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...

Today, Jeremy and Megan posted this news privately on their Facebook, so now Grandma finally gets to be publicly excited. Back on July 9th...
Yesterday afternoon, before the 50 th class reunion, Joe and I stopped in to see my Uncle Dick and Aunt Sue. We enjoyed visiting with them....
Goodbye leaves! About 90% of the leaves are off of the trees in the neighborhood. Our Maple out front still has leaves but almost all of the...